I’ve had a very busy, but immensely enjoyable week.
Kintra started the ball rolling by winning the Wye Valley special puppy test. Her litter sister Rose was also competing, and this was her owner’s first ever working test, so it was pleasing that she’s taken the plunge into working tests.
Tuesday was a full day training on the Welsh moors with my friend Graham Home, and four handlers, putting Etive and Kintra through their paces on the varied terrain. On days like these Graham lets me run the line, and we each have a radio to enable us to communicate at a distance.
Thursday and Friday were also spent on the moor, this time with a group of eight from Kent, and I had the enviable job of acting as “sorcerer’s apprentice” to Graham. On Thursday morning Graham split the group in two, sending half of them off with me to pick blinds that I had placed, while the others walked up with him, then the groups swapped, so they each had a go at both. In the afternoon it was all walk up, with me a distance off the end of the line to place blinds when required. Friday was nearly all walk up, with a few static retrieves, and on both days I had young Kintra with me in line, which was excellent for improving her heelwork and keeping her calm, as she only had a very occasional retrieve.
Four of the handlers have dogs that I’ve bred, and it was lovely for me to see that they have grown into such talented dogs. Between us there were ten Fletchingly dogs, so it was a bit like a family reunion.