It can be quite hard to get a run in a field trial because there are always far more entries than places available, so the runners are decided by a draw. This winter I have had three runs in trials with Riska, who was two years old in December. As previously reported, she was placed […]

Christmas in Scotland
We have just returned from our Christmas holiday at The Old House in Glen Orchy, which was spacious and comfortable, so it was a perfect place to stay for us and four lucky gundogs. There was direct access onto the mountains and good access along the banks of the river Orchy, so I was able […]

Riska’s first field trial
Riska’s training has been going well and we have been picking up on three shoots with a variety of different ground including marshland, arable and woodland, as well as having several lessons in turnips with Graham, so we felt that Riska was ready to trial, even though she is still very young (she will be […]

The Fletchingly Three
It’s that busy time of year again now that the shooting season is well under way, and I am thoroughly enjoying working my dogs. Shona is an old hand at the picking up game and Riska has taken to it like the proverbial duck to water; she is rock steady when I send Shona and […]
Congratulations to Fletchingly Torrain
Congratulations to Penny Heath who won the Chiltern Gundog Novice working test on 13th August with Teal (Fletchingly Torrain). This is an outstanding achievement because this lovely young dog is only 20 months old.