The puppies are now 3 1/2 weeks old and have their milk teeth through, and they are busy exploring everything with their mouths, so they enjoy clambering over any stray human being who happens to venture into their box. Early toilet training makes my life easier, so this week I have put a strip of […]

Puppies thriving
I’m pleased to report that all nine puppies are growing well, and they are very active, looking sturdy when they are moving. They have started to eat solid food, which I feed in a deep muffin pan to prevent them immersing their whole bodies in their dinner. Their personalities are developing, which makes them fun […]

Riska’s first competition
Riska (Fletchingly Annraidh) missed three working tests at the start of the season because she had a cut knee, so I felt it was a big ask for her to run in the SEGS novice water competition today, as she is not yet 18 months old. She stayed calm and worked well, even when she […]

Eyes wide open
The pups now have their eyes open and are very mobile – I will soon have to raise the doorway on the whelping box to prevent escapees. This week I’ve taken individual photos of the pupppies, so numbers 3 and 8 are bitches and the rest are dogs. I’ve had good news about two of […]

Puppy update
Shona is the perfect Mum, careful and attentive, yet willing to come for a walk. Her puppies are now five days old and doing well, with pigment starting to appear on their noses and feet, and they can move surprisingly fast. They are like peas in a pod, with no distinguishing features, but I can […]