Imagine living with Tigger if he had been taking steroids, then multiply the energy levels by nine, and you will get an inkling of what life is like with a litter of puppies in the kitchen, but I love them just the way they are, and will miss their antics and joie de vivre when they start to leave for their new homes soon.
Yesterday Claire and Hayley from Bourne vets came to give the puppies their first vaccinations and microchip, as well as a thorough health check. I am pleased to say that they all passed with flying colours and I was complimented on how well the pups are looking, as well as the good condition of their mother Riska.
I had a lesson with Graham on Wednesday, and decided to take Riska, as she is pretty much back to full fitness, which is amazing considering it’s less than eight weeks since she had her nine puppies. Riska is a lovely dog to work, and I very much enjoyed the blinds with distractions on the rolling parkland at Belmont.
Riska’s puppies Riska’s puppy Riska’s puppy Riska’s puppies Riska’s puppies
Riska’s pups look amazingly strong & just beautiful. Just reward for you Nessa. The group hug/sleep-in is such a reminder of the transition they go through when they go to their new homes. My goodness we expect a lot! Riska is a super star getting her pre baby fitness back so quickly. What good preparation for her soon to be emptied nest! ?
Thankyou Pam – although I didn’t work Riska once she was in pup, she kept active, and once her pups were born she was happy to come out for a walk, so she never lost too much fitness. She hasn’t really been that interested in her pups lately – she’s left the hard work to me, so it shouldn’t be a huge wrench for her when they go. You’re right in saying that we expect a lot – I am totally in awe of my dogs and they give me so much in so many ways.